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The Minnow Explorers

Kids education has always been a big focus here at Silly lily Fishing Station. Our goal is to help children gain an appreciation the marine environment and teach them a range of skills such as teamwork, boat handling, and navigation.

It's a  fun-filled two-week program that runs from June to Labor Day! Most days, we sail to a sandy island. Here we identify marine life, learning how islands form and catch sea creatures! If the weather isn't ideal, we hold classes in our boat house and create educational nautical crafts and learn nautical knot tying. Our days are packed with kayaking, fishing, clamming, crabbing and hands-on nautical crafts.

Sea Captain treasure hunt—rain or shine! Costumes, makeup, and eye patches are highly encouraged. Bring a water gun if you have one (if not, we’ve got you covered). Prepare for an epic battle at sea and find buried treasures. All sailing rules will apply as a way to earn an advantage.

Come sail, explore, and make waves with us at Lily's Sailing.

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